Curiosa Historia: El informante de Jizballah que se convirtio al Judaísmo

The Muslim Spy who Became a Jew

Avraham Sinai was a Hezbollah informant who risked his life for Israel.

by Avraham Sinai, as told to Chananya Bleich

In 1982, the Israeli army came to Lebanon and life improved. Even before they arrived, I admired Israel. I could see the hills of northern Israel from Lebanon and wished I could go there. It seemed so peaceful. Not like Lebanon. Our lives before the Israelis came were filled with terror. The Israelis made our lives better in so many ways. The Israeli Army restored order. Suddenly everyone had a job, money, a good life and peace.

Avraham today

Of course, it was to their advantage as well. Anyone who wanted to live in peace accepted the Israeli presence gladly. There is a saying in Arabic: “If your neighbor is happy, then you are happy as well.”

In the eyes of the terrorists I was a traitor and a spy.

Over time, I bonded with the Israeli soldiers. I connected with them. They were good to us and I wanted to return the favor. If I saw terrorist activity, I would tell the soldiers, so basically you could say I became an informant. Yes, in the eyes of the terrorists I was a traitor and a spy. But I wanted to have a quiet village, a normal life. The terrorists’ activities were making life difficult for us, the local people. I wanted to help get rid of them.

In 1983, Hezbollah began staging more attacks against Israel, just like Hamas is doing now. Actually Hezbollah terrorists are the same Palestinians, they just changed their name to Hezbollah in order to get Shiite support, as the area has a Shiite majority. My family is Shiite, but we continued to reject the radicals and Hezbollah began harassing my family more and more, because they knew what we thought of them. They didn’t trust us.


In 1985, Hezbollah actually tried to kill my entire family, so we fled to a town in southern Lebanon, which was near the Israeli army base that controlled the area. By day the men in our family would tend to business back in our village but at night they’d return to the safety of the south. Until one day Hezbollah ambushed us in our house. My father and I and two of my brothers were kidnapped. We were locked in an underground bunker. We were held there for a whole year. It was very difficult. They tortured me often, cut me with knives, and the worst was when they burned my nine-month-old baby son in front of my eyes. You cannot imagine the suffering I went through there.

During that year, I had lots of time to reflect. I had grown up in a non-religious Muslim home; I never went to the mosque. We didn’t even have a mosque in the village. Growing up, I never read the Koran, so I didn’t know too much about the religion. In the bunker, I found a Koran, and I started to read it. I wanted to know what Hezbollah believed. Maybe they were right and I was ignorant. To my surprise I discovered that what they preached is not in the Koran at all.

The Koran makes no mention of martyrdom or warring against the Jews. That is all the invention of the terrorist extremists. In fact, according to Islam, someone who commits suicide is not permitted to be buried in a Muslim cemetery. All the Islamic violence is for political reasons, when they started to mix religion and politics. There is nothing written about fighting. What I did find, in the opening chapters, were all these remarkable stories about the Jewish patriarchs, about the Exodus from Egypt, about the giving of the Torah. [The Koran incorporates much of the Chumash, with some specific changes according to Islamic belief.] I started to believe that God was watching over me and didn’t want me to die. My life was in His hands.

I decided to try to join the inner circle of Hezbollah in the hope to help Israel.

After a year in the bunker, our captors released us believing that we had all become true believers in Hezbollah’s cause. The first thing I did was go to the mosque, but when I heard the sheik say: ‘If you commit suicide and become a shaheed [martyr] you will be escorted over a river of fire and go to heaven.’ I thought to myself: If everything is so good there, why doesn’t the sheikh go himself? Besides, I had now read the Koran and knew that what he was saying was baseless. After my new realizations while imprisoned, I knew I would not follow this sheikh’s exhortation. I decided to do something else: I would try to join the inner circle of Hezbollah, in the hope to help Israel. I was determined to rid my country of Hezbollah so we can be free to practice true Islam.

Joining Hezbollah

At first they suspected my reasons for joining, so I explained to them that all the political problems I had had before were because of my brothers, and they shouldn’t blame me because of them. I was soon accepted into their ranks and lived among them. I saw everything. At one point, I was even part of a squad of terrorists that planned to attack an Israeli military base. That was the opportunity I was waiting for. I slipped out of the camp and hitched rides and walked and ran, until I reached the Israeli Army base in the south. I recognized some of the soldiers and gave them the information. There was one particular Israeli who had been to our house previously. I met with him privately and told him I wanted to work for Israel from within Hezbollah. He tried very hard to dissuade me.

He said “They already burned your child. If they catch you they will burn your whole family.” But I insisted. I told him: “Look what they did to me. Let me work with you. I hate them and want revenge for my baby.”

Of course, the IDF doesn’t just hire any Lebanese Muslim who claims he wants to be a spy for Israel. They have a rigorous system of background checks and personality tests. But after several months of being investigated, I became an Israeli plant in the echelons of Hezbollah.

For security reasons, I cannot discuss details of my time in Hezbollah. All I can say that I interfered with many of Hezbollah’s plans, prevented attacks and saved a lot of soldiers’ lives. I did a lot. God wanted me to succeed.

But I will tell you about that first attack I prevented. There were 150 terrorists, including suicide bombers, who were supposed to enter the base and kill many Israeli soldiers and kidnap others. I knew everything about this operation: where the missiles were; who would take part in the operation; who planned it; what vehicles would be used. I gave over all this information and, thank God, our forces prepared themselves. The Army buried mines along their intended path prior to the attack, killing many of the terrorists. I have many similar stories, how Israel dealt with those men who had the blood on their hands.

I worked from within Hezbollah for 14 years, from 1986 until 2000, helping prevent many terrorist attacks.

I worked from within Hezbollah for 14 years, from 1986 until 2000, helping prevent many terrorist attacks. Each time, I traversed 60 kilometers at night, to meet with the Israelis and transfer information. I loved the Israelis so much, I made the tremendous effort to reach them and bring them information. I know they relied on me to prevent attacks and I felt responsible to be a reliable conduit and bring them as much information as I could.

Crossing Over

In 1997 some members of the group became suspicious of me. I knew my time in Lebanon was coming to a close. One wrong move and I would be killed. It was time for my dream to be realized and move to Israel. With swift planning with the Israelis, my wife and children who were young then met me at a checkpoint and we crossed over. We settled in Tzfat. I continued to assist the IDF, this time from the other side of the border, for three more years. Knowing that my family was safe in Israel gave me encouragement to serve even more. I worked at gathering information with all the security forces: the Army, the Shin Bet and Mossad. To them I was better than any other soldier because I knew the area and the people very well.

On Erev Yom Kippur, in 2000, my life changed again, this time spiritually. I was sitting on the porch with my wife, and I saw all my neighbors are going to shul. I said to my wife: “A mosque is God’s house and a synagogue is also God’s house. I want to go there.” I asked my neighbor if it was permitted for me to go, and he said yes. The rabbi of the shul of course didn’t recognize me, and he gave me a kippah to put on figuring I was a non-religious Jew.

The day after Yom Kippur, I went back to work and I told my friend there that I went to the shul on Yom Kippur and they made me feel very welcome. He started to laugh. “What were you doing there?” Despite that, I started to go more often; I was drawn to Judaism. I felt it was part of my belief, my truth. It got to the point that I wanted to convert, but everyone turned me away. Finally, after great effort and a long time studying, I was converted by Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, chief rabbi of Tzfat.

Today we are a regular religious family. Anyone who sees me or my children could never tell of our past.

My wife also converted. Today we are a regular religious family. Anyone who sees me or my children could never tell of our past. My children cannot even converse in Arabic. But now we are having this war in Gaza and I think back to my earlier days. I know how terrorists work, how Hamas thinks. They have no goals except for destruction. Their sole intention is terror and destruction. Even their own self-destruction is meaningless to them. Peace in not what they seek. With them it’s all or nothing. I have dealt with suicide bombers. They do not think like humans. They do not love themselves so they treat others with total disregard.

We have given them so many options to make peace. We worked with Arafat and Abbas. Israel wants peace so badly and what did we get in return? Dozens of terror cells and tunnels. Remember, it’s not only the Jews that Hamas is fighting. They are fighting against the Palestinian Authority as well. They just need to fight. That’s all these terrorists know. Their lives have no purpose. With God’s help we will be strong and win.

I still have connections in Lebanon. I speak to my family and others. I also know many Arabs here in Israel and believe me, most of them want to live in peace and quiet. I think 90% would prefer to live under Israel than under Arab rule.

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By the way, my family is very proud of me, that I have chosen a pleasant path to live my life. We are in touch and speak often. The Koran respects Judaism. If you do not believe in Moses, you do not believe in Islam. Choosing Judaism does not go against the Koran. Islamic terror groups murdering thousands in Syria to create a Muslim state? That is going against the Koran.

People ask me if I am afraid, if I have received threats from Hezbollah. I know if they could, they would kill me. I have heard that they are looking for me. But it doesn’t concern me. I feel safe here. I am not afraid. God put me here and my soul belongs to Him.

This article originally appeared in Ami Magazine.

Todo el mundo baila para los soldados de Tzahal

En todas partes del mundo se han organizado para bailar un Rikud y demostrar de esta forma original la unión de y el cariño por los Jaialim defienden a Israel.

Este es el resultado de la edición con todos las comunidades que han participado.

Kol Ha Kavod!

Las Preguntas de Amos Oz

Primera pregunta: ¿Qué harían ustedes si su vecino de enfrente se sienta en el balcón, pone a su niño sobre sus piernas y comienza a disparar una ametralladora contra la habitación de sus hijos?

Segunda pregunta: ¿Qué harían ustedes si su vecino de enfrente cava un túnel desde su casa a la habitación de sus hijos con el objetivo de volar su hogar por los aires o secuestrar a su familia?

Penélope Cruz, la ‘tonta de la semana’ para Fox

Penélope Cruz, la ‘tonta de la semana’ para Fox

  • ‘Pe’ ha recibido numerosas críticas por calificar de genocidio la ofensiva de Israel en Gaza

  • La cadena americana la ha calificado como ‘tonta’ por ‘echar basura’ sobre ‘su gran aliado’

  • Jon Voight, padre de Angelina Jolie, también ha reprochado a la española su misiva

Penélope Cruz, en una imagen reciente.

Penélope Cruz, en una imagen reciente. GTRES

Actualizado: 05/08/2014 

Penélope Cruz y Javier Bardem siguen recibiendo numerosas críticas en Estados Unidos por apoyar el manifiesto donde varios artistas españoles calificaban de genocidio la ofensiva de Israel en Gaza. Penélope Cruz y Javier Bardem quisieron condenar públicamente la violencia del ejército israelí en la Franja de Gaza, pero su respaldo a un controvertido manifiesto, firmado por varios artistas e intelectuales españoles, que tacha de «genocidio palestino» la actual situación en Oriente Próximo, les está costando caro.

Penélope Cruz fue la primera en reaccionar, emitiendo un comunicado para explicar su postura. «Yo no soy una experta en esta situación y soy consciente de la complejidad de la misma -matizó en un escrito enviado al periódico USA Today-. Mi único deseo, y la intención con la que firmé la declaración conjunta, es la esperanza de que habrá paz tanto en Israel como en Gaza«. Del mismo modo, Bardem rectificó unos días más tarde, aclarando, también a través de un comunicado oficial al mismo rotativo, que su condena estaba dirigida al ejército israelí, no al pueblo de Israel. Pero en Estados Unidos el daño ya estaba hecho. Y sobre la cabeza de la pareja de actores ya colgaba el cartel de «antisemitas».

La última crítica llega ahora dela cadena estadounidense FOX. Uno de sus programas, ‘The Five’, ha nombrado a Penélope Cruz «la tonta de la semana» por «echar basura» contra su «gran aliado». El reproche completa una lista encabezada por actores como Jon Voight, protagonista de Midnight Cowboy y padre de Angelina Jolie, o directores de estudios cinematográficos como Ryan Kavanaugh.

Jon Voight acusó este sábado a sus colegas de profesión, en una carta publicada en el Hollywood Reporter, de haber «incitado el antisemitismo en todo el mundo». «Estoy más que enfadado, me duele el corazón al ver que gente como Penélope Cruz y Javier Bardem pueden incitar al antisemitismo en todo el mundo y son inconscientes del daño que han hecho«, declaró.

El consejero delegado de Relativity Media, Ryan Kavanaugh, cargó tintas, por su parte, contra España. El director del estudio indicó al mismo diario que la mencionada carta le hacía «hervir la sangre», aunque no le sorprendía que se hubiera originado en nuestro país donde, según él, el antisemitismo está en alerta roja. «Todos esos judíos que piensan que no podría ocurrir otro Holocausto deberían visitar España y muchas partes de Europa», comentó Kavanaugh, nieto de supervivientes del Holocausto, quejándose al mismo tiempo de la respuesta silenciosa de Hollywood a la carta de Bardem, Cruz y Almodóvar.

«Estoy extremadamente decepcionado», añadió el ejecutivo, que comparó la falta de reacción de sus colegas a la que se produjo cuando los campos de concentración comenzaron a funcionar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. The Hollywood Reporter reveló también que, de forma privada, muchos directivos en la meca del cine donde la presencia de judíos es notable están «furiosos» por las declaraciones de los artistas españoles



Fuente: | loc | EL MUNDO

Es Wonder Woman y odia a Hamás

La actriz israelí Gal Gadot ha dado un salto en su carrera en Hollywood al ser elegida para ser la Wonder Woman de las nuevas entregas de las películas de Marvel, pero eso no ha hecho que cambie su forma de pensar y hace poco animaba a los soldados de Israel en su lucha contra Hamás.


Este fue el mensaje de apoyo al ejército israelí que publicó Gal Gador, con una fotografía en la que aparece con su hija Alma: «Envío mi amor y mis oraciones a mis compatriotas ciudadanos israelíes. Especialmente a todos los chicos y chicas que se están jugando la vida protegiendo mi país contra los horrorosos actos de Hamás, que se esconden como cobardes detrás de mujeres y niños». 

“Una judía americana perdida en Israel” de Sarah Glidden


“Una judía americana perdida en Israel” de Sarah Glidden.
Una estudiante de periodismo se embarca en un viaje Birthright a Israel, con una idea muy sesgada del conflicto árabe israelí. Mediante el viaje, sus prejuicios se enfrentan a una nueva realidad que la hacen enamorarse del país.

detalle1Una judía americana perdida en Israel de Sarah Glidden es un logro mayo en muchos frentes. Pocos creadores han abordado espinosos temas políticos y asuntos personales como encontramos en su libro.”

Una judía americana perdida en Israel
Sarah Glidden
Formato: Cartoné
17 x 24 cm 208 pág. Color
ISBN: 978-84-679-0478-9
PVP: 19,50€

Kidon: la comedia del año en Israel en el Festival de Cine Judío

El Festival de Cine Judío de Barcelona en Madrid presenta la producción israelí, inédita en España ‘Kidon’ que supone la primera incursión cinematográfica de la modelo Bar Refaeli en el papel de una falsa agente del

Kidon (Emmanuel Naccache, 2013). Int.: Tomer Sisley, Lionel Abelanski, Kev Adams, Sasoon Gabai, Bar Refaeli. Francia/Israel. VOSE. 97′
Domingo 15 de junio, 19:45h.
CINE DORÉ. C/ Santa Isabel, 3. Tel. 91 369 11 25.
Horario de taquilla: de 17.15 hasta 15 min. antes del comienzo de la última sesión. Precios: 1 sesión, 2,50 euros; abono 10 sesiones, 20 euros (Estudiantes: 1 sesión, 2 euros; abono 10 sesiones, 15 euros)

Kidon comienza en la mañana del 18 de febrero de 2010 en Tel-Aviv cuando el mundo se despierta para descubrir en la portada de todos los periódicos, imágenes de agentes del Mossad filmados durante el asesinato de Mahmoud al Mabhouh en Dubai el mes anterior. Era la primera vez que simples cámaras de seguridad de un hotel pillaban a agentes secretos in fraganti. Sin duda, los más sorprendidos fueron los jefes del Mossad que eran los únicos que sabían que los 3 hombres y la mujer cuyas fotos circulaban en todas las redacciones del mundo no tenían nada que ver con ellos. Entonces comienza una carrera contra el tiempo para tratar de descubrir porque todo apunta hacia ellos.

Fuente: Centro Sefarad Israel